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Personal Social Development

Personal Social Development

The Leys is a close-knit, engaged, friendly community which encourages and celebrates individual strengths within all of our pupils. We want all our pupils to feel encouraged as they strive to be the best they can be.

The aim of the PSHE programme at the Leys is to encourage of pupils to lift their eyes from their books and look at the world around them. We aim to develop skills that will help them look in a non-judgemental way at significant global challenges, to support them as they try out new ideas and ventures and to build a sense of resilience when others challenge their thinking.

Encouraging a family atmosphere is perhaps the greatest gift we can offer our pupils – without it, they cannot hope to fulfil their potential in work and play. There are boundless opportunities for pupils to explore their skills. Music, drama and sports talents are celebrated alongside academic success. In PSHE, we aim to develop in our pupils a sense of appreciation of the success of others alongside the ability to understand their own selfworth. Through assemblies, house assemblies, tutorial time, chapel, lessons and both formal and informal talks we aim to enhance the lifestyle choices pupils seek to make, encourage a sense of respect for others and develop a growing sense of self identity during their time at the school.

Over the course of three years, our aim is for pupils to develop a sense of responsibility for their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Through motivation and selfreflection, we encourage them to make the best of their potential now and in the future, using their resources in a positive way.

We are aware that pupils do not grow up in a vacuum and that many of our pupils will have received some excellent PSHE training before joining us. As a consequence, we actively seek to maintain links with our main prep schools so we can build on the foundations they have laid.


How can we quantify the puplis progress and achievements in PSD?

PSHE is formally taught in a timetabled lesson once a week for years 9-11. At the end of each unit, pupils are invited to reflect on what they have learnt and by what they have been challenged by. Informal discussions also take place in house and in tutor time. In years 12-13, PSHE is delivered through formal talks which pupils are then encouraged to discuss in house or wit their personal tutor.

Year 7 – Starting Out

  • Settling into school with a focus on how to build friendships and how to manage yourself
  • Healthy eating with a focus on making the right choices
  • Daily dangers with a focus on digital safety
  • Study skills with a focus on setting targets

Year 8 – Making Progress

  • Personal learning skills with a focus on preparing for exams
  • Relationships with a focus on working with adults
  • Daily dangers with a focus on social media and maintaining healthy relationships

Year 9 – Developing Good Habits

  • Academic resilience and personal learning skills
  • Health with a focus on health eating
  • Personal development including sex and relationships
  • Digital Health with a focus on using the ipad
  • Careers with a focus on knowing what your interests are and how to build on them
  • Citizenship

Year 10

  • Academic resilience and personal learning skills supported by a talk from Elevate educate
  • Health with a focus on making responsible choices
  • Digital Citizenship with a focus on social media
  • Careers and looking ahead to universities

Year 11

  • Health with a focus on managing stress and pressure
  • Careers with a focus on knowing what your interests are and how to build on them
  • Citizenship with a focus on finding your voice
  • Sustainability with a focus on what is your responsibility

Sixth Form

Year 12 pupils are encouraged to follow a course of independent learning using Coursera, the Open University and other such resources. Formal talks are also used as a way to open discussions. This year the sixth form will receive a talk from Natasha Devon and Martin Daubney looking at staying safe, behaviour and presenting yourself to the world beyond school; from the NHS drugs and substance abuse unit for young people and advice on managing finances at university.

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Pastoral Care

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