Barker House
Barker House is situated in the North B building up one flight of stairs. We share this building with the other two Day Houses. It was named after Mr W.A. Barker, a former Headmaster at the School from 1958 – 1975.
More InformationBarrett House is situated on the ground floor of the historic North B building, looking across the Upper Quad to the Chapel. It was opened in 2005 by Dr John Barrett, the former Headmaster, after whom it was named.
The facilities of the house include two common rooms, a work room, kitchen and changing rooms. There are also two Sixth Form common rooms in the ‘North B’ building. Each pupil has their own lockers to store both their books and their Games kit in.
Barrett members are friendly and outgoing, and at different times we include academic, music, sport, and drama scholars in our number. We are very proud of the achievements of every member and strive to nurture talent of every kind.
Our House banner, displayed in the Chapel, was designed and made by some of our girls for the Chapel centenary and it defines us perfectly, with images of sports, different races, a mortar board, and the beautiful cherry trees outside our windows. We participate keenly in all inter-House competitions and display our trophies proudly, but above all, we aim to be a House where small successes matter as much as large ones, and we enjoy our friendships and the sense of having a place to call “home” within the school.
We hope you will come and visit us; you will be made very welcome!
Barker House is situated in the North B building up one flight of stairs. We share this building with the other two Day Houses. It was named after Mr W.A. Barker, a former Headmaster at the School from 1958 – 1975.
More InformationBisseker was founded in September 2005. The House is named after Harry 'W.G.' Bisseker, Headmaster of The Leys between 1919 and 1934.
More InformationSome pupils at The Leys take advantage of our 'home boarding' facility where pupils sleep at home yet participate fully in daily school life.
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