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The Chapel

The Chapel

The Chapel was built as a memorial to the first headmaster of The Leys, William Fiddian Moulton and was consecrated on 27 October 1906. It is a Grade II listed building. Regular services are held each week, and on several Sundays each term, enriching the spiritual life of both the school and the wider Leysian community.

A spirit of inclusion and engagement is always encouraged in Chapel, and this year’s theme is, ‘We are all in this together’.

The School Chaplain is Rev Simon Coleman. He is always on site to provide a friendly ear and guidance on any matter, spiritual or otherwise, no matter how trivial. He is a popular figure around the school, and is affectionately simply known as ‘Rev.’


Music is an integral part of worship in the Chapel and the Chapel Choir sings at most of the services including at a number of Sunday services each term including Harvest, Remembrance, Advent, the Carol Services, Epiphany and the Leavers’ Service at the end of the year. Years 7 and 8 (Moulton House) have their own choir known as Junior Voices and occasionally join the main Chapel Choir for special occasions. The Chapel Choir is active beyond the school and has sung at numerous Cambridge Colleges and cathedrals including Trinity College, Cambridge and St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. Various recordings have been made, most recently the CD release of ‘Earthly and Divine’ in 2019 by the Chamber Choir which includes a setting of ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’, a commission by composer Rebecca Dale. Choral Scholarships are available and further information can be found here.

Chapel Prefect

Every academic year, a member of the Upper Sixth is elected to be Chapel Prefect. Working with the School Chaplain at regular services and others such as Harvest Festival and the Service of Remembrance, the Chapel Prefect has to ensure that the Chapel is ready, with hymn books and orders of service in place, candles lit and Chapel Stewards ready. The Chapel Prefect’s role also involves helping to organise the Lenten Appeal, the school’s annual charity project.

World AIMS

The Leys actively participates in WorldAIMS (Action In Methodist Schools), which is a partnership between Methodist Education and the Methodist Church. At present, groups of pupils are focusing their efforts tackling broad sustainability issues, through Eco-Schools, as well as promoting Fairtrade.

Discover more at The Leys


The Leys was founded in 1875, a time when a large number of schools were founded, especially by the churches.

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The Chaplain, as a faith presence, committed to the values of Christ, and on behalf of the church and school communities, accompany staff and pupils on the journey through life.

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Choral Music

Here at The Leys we aim to take full advantage of every opportunity the city of Cambridge has to offer.

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