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All pupils in Years 7 to 11 study Mathematics for GCSE, and for those who are mathematically talented we provide an additional Mathematics qualification in Year 11. We also provide support for those who find the subject challenging, either in small groups or at one of the Mathematics Collaborations offered each week. About half of the Sixth Form study A Level Mathematics, producing excellent results. For those who are particularly able we offer an A Level in Further Mathematics. We also enter many students for national competitions such as the Senior Mathematical Challenge.



All pupils undertake the Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics A (Higher Tier).

The broad aims of this linear course emphasises and encourages sound understanding of concepts, fluency in procedural skill, competency to apply mathematical skills in a range of contexts, and confidence in mathematical problem solving.

IGCSE Mathematics is assessed by two written exam papers of equal weight, both taken at the end of Year 11 (both allow use of calculators).

For the most able there is an opportunity to take OCR Additional Mathematics which is an ideal preparation for A Level Mathematics, but this requires much independent learning and determination. This is a Free Standing Mathematics Qualification (FSMQ) with pass grades from A to E.


A Level

At A Level, pupils undertake the Edexcel course focussing on the tree main branches: Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics. For the most able, we offer Further Mathematics A Level, which begins to look at Advanced Pure and Applied Mathematics and that many will meet for the first time at university level..

Those studying Pure Mathematics will be extending their knowledge of such topics as Algebra and Trigonometry, as well as learning some brand new ideas such as Calculus (where essentially they look in detail at how curved graphs behave). There are also Pure Mathematics topics such as Numerical Methods (using calculator and computer techniques to solve equations) and Complex Numbers. Although many of the ideas that will be met in Pure Mathematics are interesting in their own right, they also serve as an important foundation for other branches of Mathematics.

Those who study Statistics will learn how to analyse and summarise numerical data in order to arrive at conclusions about it. Many of the ideas that will be met in this course have applications in a wide area of other fields; from assessing what car insurance is going to cost, to how likely it is that the earth is going to be hit by a comet in the next few years.

Those who study Mechanics will learn how to describe mathematically the motion of objects from cars in the street to satellites revolving around a planet. They will learn the technique of mathematical modelling and many of these ideas form an essential introduction to Cybernetics and Bio-mechanics, as well as the more traditional areas of Engineering and Physics.

Further Mathematics

Further Mathematics is a challenging qualification, which both extends and deepens your knowledge and understanding beyond the standard A Level Mathematics. It is taught in tandem with the Single Maths. For someone who enjoys mathematics, it provides a challenge and a chance to explore new and more sophisticated mathematical concepts. A Level Further Mathematics involves further study of all the areas in Single Maths: Pure, Statistics and

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Academic Overview

A Leys Education is one which is built firmly on three main foundations; Academic, Pastoral and Wider Curriculum.

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Curriculum Information

An overview of the curriculum taught at The Leys.

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Teaching and Learning

We are fortunate at The Leys to have a thriving and diverse Academic Enrichment programme which is growing and developing all the time.

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