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All pupils in Years 7-8 have one lesson of music per week; in Year 9 music is offered as an optional subject (one of a choice of six subjects with pupils choosing five) and further study at GCSE and A Level is also optional. Small class sizes at The Leys ensure that all pupils receive ample individual attention and tuition in a supportive and stimulating environment. Technology is embraced and iPads are used to enhance some elements of learning, particularly with regard to composition using Garageband. Sibelius and other music notation software is used for compositions at GCSE and A Level.

There is a wide variety of wider curricular music activities available to all pupils irrespective of whether they are studying for GCSE or A Level music.


Years 7 – 9

Pupils in Years 7-8 study a range of topics include: instruments of the orchestra, world music, rhythm and melody writing and music for TV and film. Practical sessions using instruments, classroom percussion and group singing develop general musicianship at this level. In Year 9 pupils enjoy full exposure to the elements of music in a range of topics that will prepare them for study from Year 10, should they choose to continue the subject at GCSE.



The GCSE course follows the Edexcel syllabus and pupils are expected to perform, compose and analyse music. The course is wide-ranging and accessible and the set works studied cover a good variety of pieces and musical styles ranging from Bach to Queen. 60% is coursework based, with one written exam in the summer.

Course Structure

  • Component 1 – Performing one solo and one ensemble performance (30%).
  • Component 2 – Composing two compositions (30%).
  • Component 3 – Appraising (40%): (a) written listening paper, including dictation and a question based on an unfamiliar piece of music; and (b) an essay question based on a comparison between a set work and one unfamiliar piece.


A Level

A Level Music builds on the skills introduced at GCSE, developing further the many aspects and disciplines essential for study of the subject at a higher level. An A Level in Music supports progression to higher education not only in Music but in most other subjects. Indeed, Music was one of the four subjects of the Quadrivium when Oxford and Cambridge Universities were founded. Pupils opting to study A Level Music follow the Eduqas syllabus which is divided into three sections based on performance, composition and appraising. 60% is coursework based, with one written exam in the summer.

Component 1: Performing

Option A (35%): total duration of performances 10-12 minutes.

Minimum of three pieces with at least one piece as a soloist. Other pieces can be solo or as part of an ensemble or a combination of both. One piece must reflect musical characteristics of one area of study, and one other piece must be reflective of a different area of study.

Option B (25%): total duration of performances 6-8 minutes.

Minimum of two pieces either as soloist or as part of an ensemble or a combination of both. One piece must reflect musical characteristics of one area of study.

Non-exam assessment: externally assessed by a visiting examiner.

Component 2: Composing

Option A (25%): total duration of compositions 4-6 minutes.

Two compositions, one of which must reflect the musical techniques and conventions associated with the Western Classical Tradition and be in response to a choice of four briefs set by the board. The second composition is a free composition.

Option B (35%): total duration of compositions 8-10 minutes.

Three compositions, one of which must reflect the musical techniques and conventions associated with the Western Classical Tradition and be in response to a choice of four briefs set by the board. The second composition must reflect one different area of study and the third composition is a free composition.

Non-exam assessment : externally assessed by WJEC.

Component 3: Appraising

40%. There are three Areas of Study that need to be studied in the appraising component:

  1. AoS A (The Western Classical Tradition) is compulsory and focuses on the development of the symphony (works by Haydn and Mendelssohn).
  2. ONE of AoS B (Rock and Pop) OR AoS C (Musical Theatre) OR AoS D (Jazz).
  3. ONE of either AoS E (Into the Twentieth Century with works by Poulenc and Debussy) OR AoS F (Into the Twenty-first Century with works by Adès and Beamish).

Written examination: 2 hours 15 minutes.

People enjoy a high level of success in instrumental music and the pupils' chapel choir performs at a high level, and has the opportunity to sing at evensong at some of the university colleges.

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Academic Overview

A Leys Education is one which is built firmly on three main foundations; Academic, Pastoral and Wider Curriculum.

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Curriculum Information

An overview of the curriculum taught at The Leys.

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Teaching and Learning

We are fortunate at The Leys to have a thriving and diverse Academic Enrichment programme which is growing and developing all the time.

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