The first Leys Giving Day
The first Leys Giving Day was celebrated on 23-24 March, connecting the Leys Community right around the world.
A celebratory atmosphere was in the air at the School, with a non-uniform day and delicious Leys cupcakes at lunchtime. In the afternoon there was a display about Lenten Giving in each House, with pupils explaining the impact of their chosen charity and fundraising efforts throughout the year. Over £2,000 had already been raised for Lenten Giving charities through events like the Fen Bingo Night and Dale Quiz, so it was a pleasure to reflect on the impact these efforts have had.
Pupils, guests, and Gift of Education ambassadors also learnt about the different volunteering activities pupils enjoy. Students give their time in a whole variety of ways, including maths tutoring at a local primary school, helping at Oxfam and Scope, and visiting residents at Ditchburn Place.
The Leys Community worldwide got involved, with support for the Gift of Education as well as House charities. Thanks to the generous support of Alex Wong, and the Lipskiy family, £3,000 of donations to the Gift of Education was matched pound-for-pound, while we were delighted that 52 donors chose to make their first gift to The Leys, unlocking an extra £1,000, and 18 donors outside the UK unlocked an extra £500. Overall, £23,000 was raised for bursaries and £4,000 for the House charities.
Thank you to everyone who supported the first Giving Day.
“The money raised will go directly towards 110% bursaries for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, giving them the opportunity to enjoy the amazing opportunities a Leysian education offers.”