Festive Celebration at Wesley’s Chapel & Leysian Mission
Date: 29 November, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Wesley's Chapel, 49 City Road, London EC1Y 1AU
You are warmly invited to a festive celebration at Wesley’s Chapel and Leysian Mission. This special, atmospheric event features our outstanding choir led by Director of Music Max Kenworthy, in a perfect acoustic setting. Enjoy your favourite Christmas carols accompanied by soaring descants in an uplifting service of lessons and carols, followed by seasonal refreshments and a chance to mingle afterwards in the adjacent Radnor Hall.
All are welcome – the more the merrier, so spread the word! Please register below. Old Leysians, members of The Old Leysian Society and Current Parents should be registered as Individuals; all other friends and family members should be registered as Guests. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there!
OLs who have registered to date: Ade Adebajo (Fen 1981-86), David Blakeborough (North A 1959-64), Olivia Derbyshire (Dale 2010-17), Seb Faux (School 2010-17), Philip Geen (North A 1954-58), Stephen Hadley (East 1973-78), Duncan Harris (North A 2007-15), Grace Hasler (Barrett 2018-20), Richard Holman (North A 1957-62), Oliver Howell (Barrett 2015-20), Georgia Howell (Barrett 2012-17), James King (West 2010-17), Rosie Knighton (Barrett 2015-20), Ishtar Loft (Dale 2017-22), Stephen Ludlow (North B 1980-85), Rob Murray John (North A 2017-19), Robert Parker (North A 79-84), John Rolfe (North B 68-73), Dan Thomson (North A 1997-00), Katriane Tsang (Fen 2004-09), Hamish Watson (West 1976-81) plus guests and family.