John Stephenson
North B 1949-54
Upon leaving The Leys, John did his National Service and headed off to Hong Kong as a Troop Commander. Whilst this commission was only for a few months, John had many amusing stories from his time there.
Having completed his National Service, John began his career in hatting. Coming from a family of hatters, John was passionate about the business. He spent some time learning the ropes at Brooks Brothers in New York, before starting at Christy and Co, a hat manufacturers in Stockport, initially as Export Director and then as Managing Director.
In the 1990s, John went to work at James Lock and Co, his family business, on St James Street in London, where he was Managing Director. Following his retirement, he continued as a non-executive director.
John was married to his late wife Clare for almost 60 years and had two daughters, Anna and Sarah. He enjoyed many sports throughout his life, including tennis, golf, bowling and hockey, and in retirement was never short of hobbies and interests. He also loved to travel.