EPQ Presentations 2022
On Wednesday 22 June, we were delighted to welcome staff, parents and pupils to the Recital Hall to see the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) presentations given by this year’s cohort. As part of the assessment process, pupils were required to give a short presentation to their supervisors, outlining the work they have undertaken, as well as having the opportunity to discuss their projects with their teachers and peers.
Examples of this year’s work include a project on the rise of online shopping and its effect on the high street, an investigation into sustainable architecture, and an exploration of Greek Myths. All projects were presented on display boards along with other visual aids such as slides and video content.
The EPQ is a standalone qualification, equivalent to half an A Level, designed to extend and develop students’ abilities beyond the syllabus and prepare them for university or their future career. The EPQ allows students to lead their own projects, planning and carrying out research on a topic that they’ve chosen and isn’t covered by their other subjects.
EPQ Centre Coordinator, Mr Springall, commented: “We are so proud of the hard work and dedication this year’s pupils have put into their projects and grateful for the guidance that their supervisors have given them. The work they have produced is extremely impressive and we were delighted to see so many there at the presentation to support them.”
To find out more about the EPQ, follow the link here.