Pitch It Up Musical Extravaganza
Pitch It Up!, an evening of musical fun in aid of West House’s Lenten Giving charity The Ruth Strauss Foundation, took place on 10 March in Great Hall.
An audience of 170 people enjoyed a variety of musical performances given by pupils from different Houses and age groups, as well as from one member of staff, and it was great to see the enthusiasm both of those on the stage and of those watching. The occasion also offered an opportunity to pay tribute to the inspirational cricketer, Shane Warne, whose untimely death was recently announced.
Overall, £365 was raised through donations and this amount will go towards The Ruth Strauss Foundation’s work researching rare forms of lung disease affecting non-smokers as well as supporting bereaved children. The Foundation are West’s chosen Lenten Giving charity for this year. We will be reflecting on and celebrating Lenten Giving at The Leys on our first Giving Day on 23 March – find out more here.