Special mention for Mrs Williams
On Thursday 30 June, Head of German and Housemistress of Granta, Helen Williams, attended a ceremony at the German Embassy to receive a Special Mention in the German Teacher Awards.
The German Teacher Awards have been running for 19 years and each year recognise teachers who show dedication to and tireless support of the teaching of the German Language. The award was made to Helen in 2020, but due to Covid restrictions the ceremony was delayed until 2022.
Helen was nominated by Headmaster Martin Priestley, who in his supporting statement said: “A winning combination of infectious enthusiasm and unfailing positivity has ensured that Helen has bucked the trend of falling numbers studying German at GCSE and A Level. Pupils who might otherwise have given up on languages are inspired by her teaching and wish to continue the language under her careful guidance and tremendous encouragement.
“Helen’s passion for German, for teaching and her dedication to her pupils is unsurpassed by any educational professional that I have worked with, and I can’t think of a more deserving recipient.”